Saturday, June 18, 2011

Release 1.1

1. Build If you have Java 1.6 installed see Demo Applet


2. Release package

| -----codebase
| -----META-INF
| -----WEB-INF
| -----index.html

3. Functionality

  • Microphone, Mixer or any sound sources publishing to RED5 server via RTMP
  • Video desktop capturing. Your can put your own video source. I provide encoding interface to do it successfully.
  • Screen Video codec, MP3 codec
4. Installation

Unzip files and copy to the webapp directory of your tomcat

5. Running

Open URL http://localhost:8080/rtmp-publisher-1.1

6. Related projects:

7. Supported configurations

Windows XX, Linux



  1. Live RTMP Java Publisher:
    Can this publish live video on FlashMediaServer also??

  2. i cant use video on this applet.

  3. i need to stream the channel where user cannot get the rtmp URL that what i can streaming i use ff server for that but tell me how can i do it and guide me step by step how can i do this or how can i do this work done i was watcing over here to get help but i i found one please help me to get it work on my server some body said i need code a daemon i don't know to write programs for bash in lunux

    1. if you need to stream the channel.... download Live RTMP Java Publisher this link :
      and u have must be Complete a Quick Offer to Download!

  4. where is source code?

  5. I can run it on red5 1.0.4 snapshot, but I can't get it to record/play any sounds.
    Any chance to look at the source?
