Tuesday, June 28, 2011

H264 Specification Documents

1.Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services. TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU. 676p. 03/2010.PDF4741kDownload
2.Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 14496-10. 268p. 10/2004.PDF1964kDownload
3.Conformance specification for H.264 advanced

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Let see how to parse the AVCVIDEOPACKET accordingly with FLV video tag specfication. As an example I took one of Youtube videos to show where is the record. On the picture below you can see the first video packet inside red rectangle (1).

1. FLV Tag. First red rectangle.

09 - TagType(UB[5]): Video Packet. Previous fields Reserved(UB[2]) = 0, Filter(UB[1]) = 0. Sum of these fields length = 1Byte = UB[5]+UB[2]+UB[1].

00 00 2F - DataSize(UI[24]): Length of the message. 00 00 2F = 47Bytes. Number of bytes after StreamID to end of tag (Equal to length of the tag – 11).

00 00 00 - Timestamp(UI[24]): Time in milliseconds at which the data in this tag applies. This value is relative to the first tag in the FLV file, which always has a timestamp of 0.

00 - TimestampExtended(UI[8]): Extension of the Timestamp field to form a SI32 value.

00 00 00 - StreamID (UI[24]): Always 0.

2. VideoTagHeader. Yellow rectangle.

17 - Composition of two fields. Frame Type(UI[4]) = 1 means It's key frame. And CodecID(UI[4]) = 7 means It's AVC encoded frame.

00 - AVCPacketType(UI[8]). 00 = 0 = AVC sequence header.

00 00 00 - CompositionTime (UI[24]). Defined only for AVCPacketType == 1. Otherwise always = 0.

3. VideoTagBody. White rectangle. If AVCPacketType == 0 AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord.

01 - configurationVersion (UI[8]) = 1

4D - AVCProfileIndication (UI[8]) = 77 contains the profile code as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10.

40 - profile_compatibility (UI[8]) = 64 is a byte defined exactly the same as the byte which occurs between the profile_IDC and level_IDC in a sequence parameter set (SPS), as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10.

1E - AVCLevelIndication (UI[8]) = 30 contains the level code as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10.

FF - Composition of two fields. reserved = ‘111111’b. And lengthSizeMinusOne (UI[2]) = 11b = 3, indicates the length in bytes of the NALUnitLength field in an AVC video sample or AVC parameter set sample.

E1 - Composition of two fields. reserved = ‘111’b. And numOfSequenceParameterSets (UI[5]) = 000001b = 1 indicates the number of SPSs that are used as the initial set of SPSs for decoding the AVC elementary stream.

Next fields are included into a cycle.

for (i=0; i< numOfSequenceParameterSets; i++) {
unsigned int(16) sequenceParameterSetLength ;
bit(8*sequenceParameterSetLength) sequenceParameterSetNALUnit; }

 ------ Start Cycle ------

4. Green rectangle. 00 1B - sequenceParameterSetLength (UI[16]) = 27 indicates the length in bytes of the SPS NAL unit as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10.

5. Green rectangle. 67 4D 40 ... B1 72 40 - pictureParameterSetNALUnit (bit(8*pictureParameterSetLength)=8*27b=27Bytes). contains a SPS NAL unit, as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10. SPSs shall occur in order of ascending parameter set identifier with gaps being allowed.

 ------ End Cycle ------

01 - numOfPictureParameterSets (UI[8]). indicates the number of picture parameter sets (PPSs) that are used as the initial set of PPSs for decoding the AVC elementary stream.

 Next fields are included into a cycle.

for (i=0; i< numOfPictureParameterSets; i++)
{ unsigned int(16) pictureParameterSetLength;
bit(8*pictureParameterSetLength) pictureParameterSetNALUnit; }

 ------ Start Cycle ------

6. Green rectangle. 00 04 - pictureParameterSetLength (UI[16]) = 4 indicates the length in bytes of the PPS NAL unit as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10.

7. White rectangle. 68 EE 32 C8 - pictureParameterSetNALUnit (bit(8*pictureParameterSetLength) = 8*4b = 4Bytes) contains a PPS NAL unit, as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10. PPSs shall occur in order of ascending parameter set identifier with gaps being allowed.

 ------ End Cycle ------

 8. Red rectangle. 00 00 00 3A - PreviousTagSize1 (UI[32]) = 58Bytes. Size of previous tag, including its header, in bytes. Size of previous tag, including its header, in bytes. For FLV version 1, this value is 11 plus the DataSize of the previous tag You may check the length of the tag pictured sections from 1 to 7. It's exactly 58Bytes.


H264 profile should give the following data:

lengthSizeMinusOne (length in bytes of the NALUnitLength)

1. Adobe Flash Video File Format Specification Version 10.1

2. Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format

Ремонт компьютеров

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to compile Red5 sources

Some times I need to recompile the latest sources from google code svn repository. I needed to compile the sources from Maven. So there is the pom.xml that I got. But first you should enable Maven dependencies management from the maven2eclipse plugin options.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to publish H264 frame

One more task is to publish H264 frame. In my case it is byte[] encoded array. I found one Java library that can deal with this ShoutcastH264.jar. I do not copy the code but some technical info saved my time:

public class VideoFramer
protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VideoFramer.class);
private IICYEventSink output;
private int _codecSetupLength;
private boolean codecSent;
private int _SPSLength;
private int _PPSLength;
private int[] _pCodecSetup;
private int[] _pSPS;
private int[] _pPPS;
private int[] _pSEI;
public boolean keepNALU;
private IRTMPEvent lastKey;
private List<IRTMPEvent> slices = new ArrayList<IRTMPEvent>();
private final int CodedSlice = 1;

private final int IDR = 5;
private final int SEI = 6;
private final int SPS = 7;
private final int PPS = 8;


  public void pushAVCFrame(int[] frame, int timecode)
if (frame.length == 0) {
if (this.keepNALU)
IoBuffer buffV = IoBuffer.allocate(frame.length + 6);



for (int r = 0; r < frame.length; ++r)


      IRTMPEvent videoNAL =
new VideoData(buffV);
(new Header());

//      this.output.dispatchEvent(videoNAL);


for (int i = 0; i < frame.length; ++i) {
if ((frame[i] != 0) ||
(frame[(i + 1)] != 0) ||
(frame[(i + 2)] != 0) ||
(frame[(i + 3)] != 1))
      i +=

int size = findFrameEnd(frame, i);

if (size == -1) {
size = frame.length - i;
else {
size -= i;
processNal(frame, i, size);

      i += size -

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to open YUV pictures (sequences)

I created a small YUV viewer to check YUV video frames and draw it as a picture. You may find it here:
YuvViewer in the Softpedia

Converter BufferedImage to YUV (4:2:0)

I decided to implement h264 encoding. There is an issue to put input data in YUV (4:2:0) format. Looking for the solution I found the project:


I hope you can find It useful also:

public void writeImage(BufferedImage bi)
int w = bi.getWidth();
int h = bi.getHeight();

        LinkedList<Byte> uBuffer =
new LinkedList<Byte>();
        LinkedList<Byte> vBuffer =
new LinkedList<Byte>();
boolean s = false;

for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
int color = bi.getRGB(i, j);

int alpha = color >> 24 & 0xff;
int R = color >> 16 & 0xff;
int G = color >> 8 & 0xff;
int B = color & 0xff;

//~ int y = (int) ((0.257 * red) + (0.504 * green) + (0.098 * blue) + 16);
                                //~ int v = (int) ((0.439 * red) - (0.368 * green) - (0.071 * blue) + 128);
                                //~ int u = (int) (-(0.148 * red) - (0.291 * green) + (0.439 * blue) + 128);
int Y = (int)(R *  .299000 + G *  .587000 + B *  0.114000);
int U = (int)(R * -.168736 + G * -.331264 + B *  0.500000 + 128);
int V = (int)(R *  .500000 + G * -.418688 + B * -0.081312 + 128);

int arraySize = height * width;
int yLoc = j * width + i;
int uLoc = (j/2) * (width/2) + i/2 + arraySize;
int vLoc = (j/2) * (width/2) + i/2 + arraySize + arraySize/4;
[yLoc] = (byte)Y;
[uLoc] = (byte)U;
[vLoc] = (byte)V;
                                s = !s;
for(int i=0;i<oneFrameLength;i++)
catch (Exception e)

Thanks for the code. Author saved my time.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Demo Applet

Click here


package com.sswf.rtmp;

import com.sswf.io.encoder.api.IEncoder;
import com.sswf.type.DataType;

public interface Consumer {
public void putData(DataType dataType, long ts, byte[] buf, int size);
public void setRecording(boolean isRecording);
public boolean isRecording()
public void setEncoder(IEncoder encoder);
public IEncoder getEncoder();


package org.jma.encoder.audio;

public interface IAudioEncoder {
public int encodeBuffer(byte[] input, int offset, int encodedCount, byte[] output);
public int encodeFinish(byte[] input);
public int getInputBufferSize();

public int getOutputBufferSize();
public void close();


package org.jma.encoder.video;

public interface IVideoEncoder {
byte[] encode(final byte[] current, final byte[] previous, final int width,  final int height) throws Exception;


package org.jma.encoder;

import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;

import org.jma.MetaData;
import org.jma.encoder.audio.IAudioEncoder;
import org.jma.encoder.video.IVideoEncoder;
import org.jma.video.VideoFormat;
import org.red5.server.stream.codec.AudioCodec;
import org.red5.server.stream.codec.VideoCodec;

public interface IEncoder {
public void add(AudioCodec targetAudioCodec, AudioFormat sourceFormat);
public void add(VideoCodec targetVideoCodec, VideoFormat format);
public MetaData getMetaData();
public IAudioEncoder getAudioEncoder();

public IVideoEncoder getVideoEncoder();

Java Code Examples

You can publish your desktop just for a few lines of code:

  private void publish() {
first = true;
try {
if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
System.err.println("Line is not supported by the Audio System");
"Line is not supported by the Audio System");

line = (TargetDataLine) mixer.getLine(info);
      IEncoder encoder =
new Encoder();
(AudioCodec.MP3, sourceFormat);
(VideoCodec.SCREEN_VIDEO, null);
      CaptureAudio captureAudio =
new CaptureAudio(clientManager, line);
      CaptureVideo captureVideo =
new CaptureVideo(clientManager, new Robot());
      Thread publishAudio =
new Thread(captureAudio);
      Thread publishVideo =
new Thread(captureVideo);
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
System.err.println("Line Unavailable:" + e);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Direct Upload Error");
// End of RecordAudio method

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Release 1.1

1. Build If you have Java 1.6 installed see Demo Applet


2. Release package

| -----codebase
| -----META-INF
| -----WEB-INF
| -----index.html

3. Functionality

  • Microphone, Mixer or any sound sources publishing to RED5 server via RTMP
  • Video desktop capturing. Your can put your own video source. I provide encoding interface to do it successfully.
  • Screen Video codec, MP3 codec
4. Installation

Unzip files and copy to the webapp directory of your tomcat

5. Running

Open URL http://localhost:8080/rtmp-publisher-1.1

6. Related projects:

7. Supported configurations

Windows XX, Linux
